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T E S T I M O N I A L  

Har du brug for overskud til at se tingene på en ny måde? Til at slippe en sindsstemning, der tynger? Ikke bare et øjeblik, men vedvarende? Og kan du samtidig bruge nænsom omsorg og et skud ny energi? Så skal du forkæle dig selv med Elises vidunderlige healing. Jeg har prøvet mange forskellige behandlinger, men hendes er helt unik.

Ann-Charlotte Monrad, Prana Yoga Shala

Den uro og utryghed der var i lejligheden er lettet som dug for solen, der er ro. 

Sov 14 timer første nat efter der blev renset , og en ubeskrivelig varme, lys og energi er kommet ind i hjemmet.


Peter Juul Von Seelen 

Jeg tænker klart og målrettet og kan endelig få arbejdet klaret ordentligt, den tunge fornemmelse der ellers huserede i mine arbejds-lokaler er blevet erstattet med lys ro og varme. 

Har styrket energi til at være kreativ, mine kunder mærker det også og elsker at være tilstede midt i hjertevarmen. 

Tak for at hjælpe mig og for at sende fortabte sjæle videre ud lyset.


Jean Phillip

Recently, as I was going through tough times in my life, I was recommended to take a healing session with Elise. It took a couple of sessions before it really grew on me - but after that the healings gave me an additional view on life and an inner peace that I have never felt before. Elise’s empathy and warmth really helped me getting back on track. 

Annette Nysom


I am writing to you to give you some feedback on the session you performed in our house. 
You mentioned that something would happen around Easter with the closing of the portal you created for trapped souls and energy. 
Well, I think that actually did - starting from Easter last week until yesterday we have noticed a huge change in our kids behaviour. 
They became so quiet and calm and they play together and our son started to speak much more in Danish which he never did before. Our daughter goes to bed on her own without crying. 

The change in the kids are literally unbelievable and it happened overnight. 
But most important I am finally able to relax around them, breathe deeply and feel comfortable. My daughter says to me “mommy, I love you” all the time and her words and kisses finally made me feel this rewarding feeling of being a parent.
Somehow I am healed from all the trauma I have been feeling since bringing them to this world.
The healing you did in our home affected me and the whole family. 

I am no longer burnt out and exhausted while I am around the kids. I was thinking it was postpartum depression, but it turned out it could be related to the trapped souls and energy in our house. And my husband feels the same way.

I am sure these things are just the beginning of the huge transformation that we will be encountering for the next couple of weeks and possibly months. So we are looking forward to all the good things in the near future!

Thank you so much for your help and keep working on healing our planet! 



The Birth of a Dragon Warrior

My personal experience with light healing by Elise Elois Bloch


Prepare to embark on a captivating journey as I recount my personal encounter with Elise Elois and her extraordinary light healing abilities. In this story, I shall paint a vivid picture of my experience, capturing the essence of the healing process within the depths of my mind, body, and vision.


Before delving into the soul-stirring expedition, a profound connection was established with the earthly realm. Like radiant tendrils, shimmering golden roots sprouted from the back of my body, extending downwards, piercing the surface of the earth, and delving deep into its core. This connection gave a profound sense of belonging and oneness with our planet, this life, and the tangible reality we inhabit. This grounding served as a necessary condition, anchoring me firmly before ascending into the realm of luminosity - the monastery of healing.


With the earthly connection solidified, a mystical creature emerged to guide me along this transformative path. A dragon, glowing in shades of white, blue, and gold, materialised, illuminating the way to the sacred castle of healing. Then we commenced the journey transcending universes, stars, and dimensions, leading me to the golden monastery. This holy place exuded tranquility, its serene aura amplified by the gleaming turquoise tiles adorning its grounds. As I stepped into the expansive courtyard, vibrant fountains danced in harmony, their soothing murmurs merging with the symphony of peace that enveloped the sacred space. The only souls present were Elise, myself, and a circle of monks - the illustrious council of light. A profound serenity washed over me, pervading every fiber of my being. The moment had arrived - the healing was about to commence.


The initial phase of the healing was an challenging, yet immensely powerful, process intricately linked to the purification of my soul and body. Embarking on this intense path, the resonant beats of shamanic drums echoed through the air, melding with deep breaths that swelled with determination. Each drumbeat surged into my being, infused with a potency that expelled the dusty darkness within me with each exhale. A fierce warmth swept through my entire body, growing more sincere with each passing moment - until a transformative metamorphosis occurred. Like fragile paper, a once-protective shell enveloping my form ignited into flames. Embers and flickering flames danced along the edges of the fragments of this burning aura. Stripped of my former defences, I stood exposed, open and purified.


With the ethereal resonance of bowls travelling through my body and soul, magnificent orbs of light descended from the heavens. An awe-inspiring spectacle unfolded within the sacred monastery - the celestial council encircled me, while diverse sizes of radiant spheres cascaded gracefully. Each luminescent sphere representing fragments of souls from past lives. As they descended, peacefully and organically, these soulful fragments fused together on top of me, assembling a new, resplendent aura for each component integrated. The newly formed shell no longer bore the dust and darkness of its predecessor; instead, it possessed a vibrant strength - an iridescent, holographic surface aglow with shades of blue and gold. As more and more radiant souls joined this celestial aura, my body became enveloped in a formidable armor, filling me with confidence, a surge of power and a profound understanding of myself. With each passing moment, I felt a deeper alignment with my essence, an augmented sense of identity.


From the vibrantly shimmering golden aura, the enchanting Sophia dragons made their return. Nestled upon my solar plexus, a physical dragon absorbed strength, confidence, and intensity, imbuing me with the essence of my true power. A brilliant, fiery orange beam surged forth from the dragon's mouth, infusing my solar plexus and entering throughout my entire being. An armor fashioned from gleaming golden metals, bristling with spikes, materialised atop the resplendent aura, preparing me for the soulful journey that lay ahead - a journey to become a dragon warrior, a guardian of auras.


The healing reached its end; an awe-inspiring fusion unfolded before me. My physical form intertwined with that of a guardian angel, their ethereal essence merging seamlessly with the armor and aura. Through this sacred union, wisdom flowed into my being, while a serene presence settled within my mind. Equipped with an empowered spine, fortified by its newfound potency, I gradually returned to the earthly realm. Now, imbued with a sense of lightness, strength, and unwavering confidence, a profound peace pervaded my body, mind, and soul. The power of self-acceptance surged through me - an invincible force. In this moment, I felt reborn, akin to a majestic dragon warrior, poised to conquer the world with unwavering power.

By Nikolaj Storm Hauge Tost

Ændringen i hjemmet er vildere end vi nogensinde kunne forestille os. Det er første gang i meget lang tid at vi i to nætter i træk har sovet helt roligt og først vågnet op efter 9 timers søvn.

Hjemmets energi påvirker alt også vores måde at være på. Alt er blevet meget blødere og nemmere.

Som om englene er blevet inviteret indenfor og har fyldt vores hjem med kærlighed styrke og visdom.



Lina Rafn & Kasper Pertho 




Gennem en varme og energi som Elise får fra universet, bliver man som menneske fornyet, får en helende og ægte energi, der giver ro og balance i dit sind og din krop. 
Jeg har været så heldig at kende Elise gennem mange år, når vi trods geografisk afstand har formået at holde kontakt, har vi begge følt en energi og varme til hinanden, en ægte forbundethed. 

Elise har på tidspunkter fjernhealet både mine børn og jeg, hvilket har været en ægte og kærlig oplevelse for os alle. 

Fra børn hører man sandheden, og da mit mellemste barn selv bad om healing fra Elise, var jeg ikke i tvivl om hvilken energi der blev sendt til os. 

Når man finder ud af at kommunikere på dette plan, åbner der sig en ny verden med taknemmelighed, kærlighed og ægte energi, som bare bliver større og større.


Helene Balling


In 1988 my husband and I came to live in Mallorca and built our dream home in a beautiful location. I did not know at the time that this was a troubled area with a complex history. After the building phase was finished somehow there was an unsettling energy in the house. 

From the beginning strange events, kept occurring, eventually making me aware and feel that we were some how not welcome.
Over the years I had been privileged to have very capable astute healers come to the house and work intensely however nobody was able to shift the energy. 

In november 2022 I received  a phone call from my neighbor, who said that her healer and close friend Elise Eloïs would be available to come to the house. 

We walked around the house and garden for six hours to find the spot for the portal Elise Eloïs was creating, with stones, herbs and flowers she collected on her way. She stopped and declared the location of the portal - a gateway for lost souls and heavy energy to leave with peace and love  allowing us to live peacefully in our home. 
The location of the portal was the exact place where the very first incident happened. 

After she sited another portal inside the house and invited a male spirit with whom we have been living for 22 years to cross over. She advised us to live with the portal for another nine days.
Since then we are left with a peace and Tranquility to which we had to readjust ourselves. 

The house feels very calm,  like a blank canvas. Our stressed energies of so long, needs to find their perspective within this new peaceful space, which Elise Eloïs has the gift to create. 

Elise Eloïs makes it possible to know the healing is real

Ruth McCarthy Moll

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